Jazz at School

Jeudi 26 Janvier 2023

Great welcome at the Lycée Victor Hélène Basch… Our places were reserved and the US Consul welcomed us. There were about 250 of us. There were students from Rennes but also from St Brieuc. Alternating jazz pieces and jazz history in French and English. With a slide show to illustrate. Jazz history tells us about racism and the black struggle for equality and freedom. Thanks to the Good Time Jazz band for their wonderful performance. They also played Boogie and Rock’n roll.

Mrs Poiraud and Briard

Grâce à la DAREIC (réseau des délégués académiques aux relations européennes et internationales et à la coopération) les élèves de 3e DNL du collège ont pu assister à ce superbe programme…

Jazz at School
Jazz at School
Jazz at School